Barack Obama, Warren Buffett, Howard Schultz vs. GOP Extremists in Congress

When did the heartland of America become protectors of the rich?  Well - now.  By supporting elected officials who refuse to compromise on any new revenue to shore up jobs and repair the nation's crumbling infrastructure, these anti-Americans are creating a situation wherein the country will continue falling behind the competition.

Once upon a time great leaders compromised for the good of the country - ala Tip O'Neill and Ronald Regan or Bill Clinton working with Newt Gingrich and a Republican Congress to deliver a balanced budget and a Surplus by end of Clinton's presidency - cooperation which created one of the greatest financial periods of our time.
The GOP stance that any new taxes or phasing out tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations who send jobs overseas is unacceptable -- is unpatriotic and traitorous to the country.

In steps the business leadership - finally - to set it all straight.  We should look to leaders like Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, and Warren Buffett, the greatest investor and money maker in the word, rather than a bunch of wackos who are not bright enough to understand basic economics - to get to a balanced budget - you need both spending reduction a new sources of revenue.  DUH!  Obama has repeatedly stated as such - and now the patriots in the business sector agree.  If it is about Jobs - which it is - why is the House of Representatives wasting time on abortion bills and a debt ceiling fight?  The real American patriots are those who understand that when a nation is hurting - we must all be prepared to sacrifice in order to heal it.  It is not patriotic to hold American's credit rating hostage over ideological ignorance.  Balanced Budget Amendment - fool please!!!

More on this at MSNBC
