The Obama Doctrine at Play in Middle East : Started with Cairo Speech

Ask the talking heads in the news media and the republicans and you would think the revolution for freedom spreading throughout the Middle East - just happened - per chance.  Such is the current dishonesty in our public discourse.  If it was Ronald Regan or George Bush (either one) in the presidency instead of Obama - both the media and GOP would be singing his praises for a tremendous achievement.  Let's not forget that it was under Bush that terrorists and dictators ruled the middle east.  

The reality is that Obama has the most well rounded make-up to appreciate foreign policy.  A father from Kenya and partially raised in Indonesia, born in Hawaii to a mother from the American heartland.  There is a reason why he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize so early in his presidency.  This is why the world cheered his election - because candidate Obama looked and sounded like a true leader of the free world - and as president - he has backed it up!

Now view the historic Cairo speech on YouTube
