Is Rick Perry a Liberal on Immigration or Just Another Conservative Who Likes Cheap Labor

The Republican party is unified on most national issues facing the nation, almost a cult-like agreement on virtually everything. From abortion to foreign policy, anyone who follows the GOP knows where the party's official positions are. However, there is one issue that on any giving day - one will find opposing views within the Republican party. That issue is immigration. Once upon a time, the litmus test for a republican seeking their party's nomination was abortion. Now that they realize it merely an ideological war - and has no bearing on our economy, it is off the table in this presidential campaign cycle.

Immigration will be the central issue of the 2012 presidential campaign. Where one stands on immigration is the ultimate question for republican candidates. They all agree on all issues - except what to do about illegal immigration and reforming the nation's immigration policy. On this - the party is deeply fractured. On one side is the Ronald Regan approach (see video below), which essentially is a comprehensive one that include amnesty for those already here; along with border security, and enforcing hiring laws against employers who hire undocumented workers. On the flip side is the Tom Tancredo wing of the party which basically aims to kick out all undocumented people from America.

The reality is that Rick Perry and other business friendly republicans, understand the need for cheap labor. They realize that the competition with countries like India and China, require cheap labor and weakend labor unions in order to stay competitive. That is just hard to admit. So that is why there is a lack of coherency with the republican position. To some - immigration is a social issue, to others - a law enforcement matter, but for a vast majority, it is a jobs and economic issue; with some supporting the cheap labor that it brings - while others fret over the jobs and services that undocumented workers receive while in America.

The fact is that, with a virtual unanimity on all issues, the issue of immigration will doom the GOP chances of taking the White House because their rhetoric and policy positions have alienated the Hispanic vote - at a time when they will need them in order to send Mr. Obama packing!

