Not all tax cuts are created equal. The GOP takes the position that failure to extend Bush tax cuts for the wealthy would constitute a tax increase. So get this people, the GOP is essentially willing to raise taxes on the middle class which will help continue paying the tax cuts for the Rich? The problem is not tax cuts. The real issue republicans have with the "Payroll Tax" holiday is not a desire to stick-it to the 99% of working class Americans; rather it is the desire to oppose everything Obama is for. This is once again proof Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's stated goal of seeing that President Obama is a 'One-Term' president is more important than the country. President Obama is attempting to still fix the mess left by George W. Bush - while the Republicans are merely attempting to evict the "Kenyan" from the white house. The party of Lincoln is now the party of Donald Trump and David Duke!
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