President Barack Obama is once again showing-off his ability to play the game of politics. Just when his opponent, Mitt Romney, is rolling high on the bad economy, the President throws a wag-da-dawg bombshell on the Romney campaign. I have been saying that one underestimates a Chicago politician - at their own risk. This puts Mitt Romney in the worse possible position because he is dealing with a Right-wing dominated party that will not tolerate a move to the center - not on immigration.
However, the train has left the station; so start spreading the news: "America is now a multi-cultural and racial country" and the days of white-male domination of our body-politic is dead! Romney is now relegated to protesting the process - and - not the substance of the President's position. In other words, he cannot say outright whether he agrees or disagrees with the President's position -- because he can't win with either position.
If he agrees with Mr. Obama - he looses his base - and if he goes with the right wing of his party, bye-bye independents and the Latino vote. No wonder the GOP is virtually silent on this issue - they have no where to run and certainly - no where to hide. Their anti-immigrant rhetoric is on the record and once you have chosen to side with the bigots - prepare for relegation to Minority Party status!