Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has a major problema on his hands -- and that is the YouTube era. Gone are the days when a politician could literally pivot and run away from positions taken in a primary in order to win their base. Mitt Romney ran to the right of right wingers like Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich - and that is now a major concern for the Romney camp. He has trying his entire political life to run away from himself when under the spot light -- however -- thanks to folks like me and advances in modern technology -- the public has the "Heartless" Romney on video for your viewing pleasure. I urge all immigrants to punish this inhumane candidate and the Republican party for their utter hostility to those who've come here only to seek a better life.
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has a major problema on his hands -- and that is the YouTube era. Gone are the days when a politician could literally pivot and run away from positions taken in a primary in order to win their base. Mitt Romney ran to the right of right wingers like Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich - and that is now a major concern for the Romney camp. He has trying his entire political life to run away from himself when under the spot light -- however -- thanks to folks like me and advances in modern technology -- the public has the "Heartless" Romney on video for your viewing pleasure. I urge all immigrants to punish this inhumane candidate and the Republican party for their utter hostility to those who've come here only to seek a better life.