It is becoming increasingly evident that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has found himself in a trap. Now you see him both take credit for his tenure at Bain, the investment capital company which he co-founded, and, also claim that when his company began outsourcing jobs and laying off workers as a way to create profit, he was not involved. Romney and his company claim that Romney was out of Bain in 1999. Which if true - would be convenient as it would provide the necessary cover.
However, an official SEC filing has surfaced showing Mitt Romney as Shareholder, Owner, Chairman, and CEO until 2002, and signed by hand by Mr. Romney. So either Mitt Romney is lying now when he claims he left Bain in 1999 or he indeed committed a felony when he signed a sworn affidavit and submitted it to the SEC claiming to still be the Bain boss.
I believe it is time for even Republicans, as some have - to call for Mitt Romney - a potential leader for our country, to disclose all his Bain related documents as well as his taxes going back at-least ten years (he gave 23 years to John McCain in 2008 when vetted for possible VP). He needs to explain why although legal, a candidate for the U.S. presidency has financial accounts in so many different countries - when we have plenty of banks here at home.
It is laughable how some republicans are defending Mr. Romney's right to be so secretive. One should look back at how much disclosure they sought from democratic candidates Bill Clinton and Barack Obama - just imagine. The GOP may have to replace Mr. Romney -- if he cannot explain, truthfully, the contradictions in "BAIN-GATE"!
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