No Federal Law Enforcement Takedown of White Militias while a Black Man is President

Clearly that is the message.  No I was not in the situation room or in the offices of Justice Department lawyers when they decided to look the other way while white ranchers like Cliven Bundy decide to take over federal lands with impunity.  No arrests, no shots fired, not even an arrest warrant issued.  No prosecutor arrested Cliven Bundy for his armed stand-off against federal agents for failure to pay fees owed to the federal government.  Why? 

Mr. Bundy's sons, clearly emboldened by the seemingly weakness of federal agents during their father's victorious standoff, left Neveda for Oregon and took over Federal property with heavy Guns and Ammo along with their so-called Militia.  For more than two weeks now, virtually NO response from the Federal Government.  Not a word or action from Congress, the White House,  Prosecutor, Judge, or any Law Enforcement agency to take down the criminals.  Why?

It is because we have a Black dude occupying the White House.  Therefore, so long as Barack Obama is the head of the Federal Government, any violent move against an all white male "militia" could spark precisely what these white extremists are itching for -- A Race War!  There, I said it.  Also, the Administration is in "Legacy" mode, and surely such a battle would not end well; and would tarnish his entire presidency and wipe out any chance of Democrats winning the presidency in 2016 or reclaiming Congress.  Yes -- Y'allQaeda or VanillaIsis, as the social media labels go for the Bundy Oregon Militia, there is real "White Privilege" in America.  It must be nice to know that you are above the law so long is there is a "Nigger" in the "White" House!
