Twitter erupts as President Donald J Trump takes credit for reduction in Nation Debt

President Donald J Trump is following the typical GOP playbook by taking credit for everything good about the nation and economy; but blame President Barack Obama for everything bad. Well, President Trump did it once again. The president to credit for what he says is a drop in the national debt by 12 billion dollars in his first month, and compared it unfavorably to President Obama's first month. Twitter political heads didn't hold back. Check it out:

Here are some in your face responses to President Trump ...

  Feb 25
additionally you've been in office less than 100 days any fiscal changes at this point is from the previous administration
  Feb 25
the comparison between the two (where O started and where you started) are night and day.
  Feb 25
the crash that Obama inherited was in part caused by Goldman Sachs the employer of many ppl in your cabinet.
  Feb 25
is this draining the swamp?

and there you have it America. The President Creating his own truth via alternative facts. Let's continue praying for victims of the "Bowling Green Massacre" that never happened!
