The writing is clearly on the wall that Donald J Trump is an incompetent idiot. So as we get closer to his possible ass whipping in November, it's time to look for the few smart members of his administration to start saving their souls by preparing to re-enter society without the power granted to them by the dumbest and most ethically challenged president the world has been forced to tolerate for nearly four years.
The statement made by Bob Barr in the video, while declining to investigate former president Barack Obama, and his vice president and Trump's presumptive 2020 opponent Joe Biden, was clearly aimed at his boss. Barr appears to want to reclaim his tarnished legacy by dumping the caricature of being Trump's Roy Cohen. But he is stuck. He was a respectable figure in the legal profession and the Republican party. Now, his legacy is tied to Donald Trump and some of the worse abuses ever by the Department of Justice. Barr is now just another tragedy in Trump's long line of roadkill. So Long, Mel!
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