Biden Says Republicans Will Put People Back In Chains - And He is Right!

At a time when America and, indeed the world, is growing more diverse, Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney picks another "White Dude" to run the country with him. Why because he is running the longest "please your base ONLY" primary in the history of Presidential campaigns. Additionally, Paul Ryan is not Fiscally conservative. He voted for TRAP, Bush tax Cuts (Unpaid for), All Debt Ceiling Increases (under Bush), medicare prescription drugs benefit (unpaid for), the Automobile Bailout, and More. No - Paul Ryan does not want to BALANCE the Budget. He wants to end programs aimed at the Middle Class, Poor, and Elderly - THAT's it!!! Why else would he cut all those that help the vulnerable - But Cut Taxes To the Top 2 percent by the Trillions at the same time? Job creators my ass! Why did we loose a record number of jobs under his hero George W. Bush when he helped then Presdient Bush ru-up record budget deficits? Guess what? The Republican party appeal to unread and uninformed DUMMIES!!!

Paul Ryan is a Catholic - and the Catholic Bishops are appalled by his Kill Granny Budget. Also - where are the people of color at the Romney-Ryan rallies. Has either ever had a non-WHITE friend? President of the United States? Bain Please!!!