Watch Video of Mitt Romney Taking Extreme Stance on Dream Act and Immigration June 30, 2012 mitt romney dream act Mitt romney on immigration romney self deportation +
Supreme Court has Ruled on the Affordable Care Act - Watch Romney Defend Individual Mandate - Video June 29, 2012 2012 elections affordable health care act mitt romney +
Obama Shows the Power of Incumbancy with Immigration Policy Change June 17, 2012 2012 presidential elections mitt romney president barack obama us immigration policy +
President Barack Obama Will Pay Highly for Flip Flop on Medical Marijuana June 15, 2012 2012 presidential elections Barack Obama Obama Marijuana policy +
The Republican Party Conspiracy to Make Obama One Term President June 14, 2012 2012 elections gop candidates president barack obama +
Mitt Romney on Abortion - Depends on Who His Audience is at the Time June 11, 2012 2012 elections abortion rights mitt romney woman rights +
Donald Trump and Birther Positions Highlights Weakness in National Security June 11, 2012 birther conspiracy donald trump obama kenya republican party +
Watch Evangelical Leader Robert Jeffress Call Mormonism a Cult - would Vote for Mitt Romney June 11, 2012 gop nominee mitt romney mormon church republican party +
Mitt Romney Must Clarify his Position on Blacks and Mormon Church June 11, 2012 2012 elections mitt romney mormon church +
Mitt Romney Promotes Obamacare and Supports Individual Mandate : Watch Video June 11, 2012 2012 elections gop nominee mitt romney republican party +